May 26, 2011

My clingy puppy

Posted in Furbabies at 1:36 pm by lifebytheday

Bailey has been a bit overshadowed lately by all of the cat and baby drama, but a funny thing happened today that I just had to share.  I had an appointment to get my hair done this morning so I brought Bailey to hang out with S at his shop.  (For those of you who don’t know, S owns his own business, so when Bailey was a puppy and still not trained, she went to work with him full-time…and the hair salon I go to is right next door.)  I figured that she was probably sick of being stuck inside with me all of the time and could use a change of scenery.

So I’m sitting in the chair getting foils put in and all of a sudden Bailey is standing next to me!  It’s a beautiful day out here today so the doors to S’s shop and the salon were both open, and she just took it upon herself to walk next door!  I was mortified but all of the girls were like, “We don’t mind, Bailey likes visiting us!”  So I let her stay for the 15 minutes until S realized she wasn’t just asleep at his front door and came over to find her…and yes, I still think he’s going to be a great dad. 😉

So Bailey goes back with S and 10 minutes later (I’m now sitting under the heater in the back), in she walks again!  We walked her back over, but 5 minutes later she was back again!!  I finally gave up and just let her sleep at my feet for the rest of my appointment, but it was SO funny! 

Honestly, she has never been like that with me…since she got so used to being with S as a puppy, she’s always been more attached to him (unless she’s not feeling well or is in trouble and then she wants her mommy 😉 ).  I never took it personally, but Bailey is definitely S’s and Killian is mine.  But now that I think about it, the fact that she has to walk upstairs with me every time I go to the bathroom probably should have clued me in.  In fact, take a look at where she is right now…

My "working" station - complete with tray table, pillow, and heating pad. 😉


As close as she can get to me and still be on the floor!

So now I’m wondering if she has just gotten used to being with me now that I’m spending most of my time at home…or maybe she knows something I don’t know and we’ll be going into labor soon!  Either way, it was super cute…I just hope she doesn’t get upset when I’m gone at the NICU for two weeks!

May 3, 2011

Rollercoaster weekend

Posted in Furbabies, Life at 10:20 am by lifebytheday

Stop the ride, I want to get off!!

This weekend was my long-awaited baby shower (that will be getting its own post, don’t worry!) which was wonderful, but unfortunately got a bit overshadowed by some major drama.

On Friday night, I started having pain in my sides and lower back, that got intense enough that I actually called the doctor.  A doctor from another practice was covering that night, and after asking all sorts of questions and making me feel super stupid for calling, told me just to take some Tylenol and use a heating pad.  Gee, thanks. 

I woke up Saturday still really sore, and begged out of a work conference that would have been a four-hour round trip drive plus four hours on my feet in the middle…and instead just hung around the house alternating between doing little bits of housework and laying down with the heating pad.  I felt better by Sunday, but by the end of my shower was super sore again.

Then on Sunday afternoon…all hell broke loose.

My immediate family had come back to our house for a little get together with the men in the family, and we were all just hanging out, having a few drinks, etc.  My youngest brother came downstairs and told S and I that Killian (our cat) had gotten sick in the baby’s room.  I went up to check on him while S cleaned up a few spots along the way, and found him with vomit all over his mouth, heaving, shaking, his eyes completely unfocused.  That was officially the scariest moment of my life.

I screamed for S and went running to find his crate and a towel.  In the time it took us to get things together (with everybody trying to get me to relax and stop running around and tell them what I needed), Killian had thrown up four more times.  I literally yelled at S to just get in whatever car was last out and GO!  Luckily it was my Dad and the two of them went off to the emergency vet (15 minutes away).

It absolutely killed me not to be going with them, but at almost 8-months pregnant and with a house full of people, I knew it wasn’t a good idea.  Thank god it was all family and close family friends who had to witness my meltdown, and they actually remarked that I had held it together pretty well.  (Good thing they didn’t see me right after when I locked myself in my bedroom with Bailey and sat on the floor holding her, crying and shaking.) 😦

We still aren’t sure whether he ate something or was bitten, but when he arrived at the vet, his tongue and muzzle were swollen and he was having trouble breathing, so he got a steroid and antihistamine and was put in an oxygen cage.  And yes, that’s as expensive as it sounds.  They got him stabilized and did blood work to try and figure out what was going on, and sent S home to wait for the results.  When we called back that night to check on him we were told that he was exhibiting some head shaking which could indicate a potential neurological issue, but that it hadn’t really been long enough to know and we just had to wait and see.  Needless to say, there was not much sleeping to be had on Sunday night. 

I called them at quarter of 7 in the morning and all we were told was that he was using his litter box which was a good sign and that they wouldn’t know more until rounds later that morning.  I asked to come see him before rounds and they hemmed and hawed and then put me on hold.  S got on the phone and was like “my wife is pregnant and very upset and she’s coming to see her cat”…and they said NO.  Poor guy, stuck between a rock and a pregnant wife. 😉 

At this point, we were so worried and fed up with the lack of communication, that as soon as our vet opened, I called them and begged for some help and advice.  I literally have never loved someone more.  While waiting for the vet to be available, they requested the report from the emergency clinic, and called me to tell me that the vet would call as soon as they got the report.  She called and explained what was going on, but didn’t feel comfortable with the amount of information in the report, so actually hung up with me and got on the phone with the clinic to talk to them directly.  Then she called me back and helped me to understand what had happened, and what she would suggest for next steps.

Luckily, Killian was doing much better – at about 90% – but they said that he was acting really aggressive (which is the complete opposite of his personality).  So between that and the drastic difference in care and communication between the two vet offices, S and I made the decision to pull him out of the emergency clinic and bring him to our vet (even though we were told that he probably would be discharged later that afternoon anyways). 

We arrived at 11am to pick him up, and miraculously, the vet on the morning shift was actually very helpful and friendly, and explained to us what had been done, her best guess as to what had happened, and what needed to happen next.  (Killian’s blood work still wasn’t back to normal, so he needed to be rechecked before going home.)  After the second traumatizing moment in 24 hours – listening to Killian scream as they got him disconnected from the IV and discharged – we were on our way.

He looked much better to us, just exhausted (and unhappy with the IV still in his arm and a collar on his head), but after 5 minutes in the car he calmed down and just kept rubbing his face against the door to be petted.  Our vet didn’t think he needed any more fluids so she just kept an eye on him for the afternoon and then rechecked his blood work. 

We got a call at 4 o’clock that he was doing much better, that he had been a sweetheart to them all afternoon, and that we could go get him.  His blood work still wasn’t 100% normal, so I have to bring him back in today, but he was good enough to go home, and the scary neurological symptoms had disappeared.  We were as happy to have him home as he was to be home…even Bailey knew that something was going on and was super sweet and gentle with him all night.

As I write this post, both animals are curled up asleep nearby and all is right in the world.  But for a 24-hour time span, we got a taste of some majorly scary drama.  All I could picture was my little not even 2-year-old kitty with brain damage, and it was enough to send this hormonal woman over the edge.  S was wonderful, putting up with rude doctors and a hysterical wife…and once again, I’m reminded of what a great partnership we have. 

I was hesitant to pull Killian out of the emergency clinic, not wanting to disrupt his care, but S insisted and it was the best thing we could have done.  Whatever had been going on in the clinic overnight (dogs barking, cats hissing), Killian had gotten himself so worked up that he was actually falsely inflating some of the levels in his body.  But after just a few quiet hours with our vet, and probably a good nap, he was almost completely back to himself.  It was amazing to realize how much the environment had been affecting his recovery, and definitely something that we made a mental note of for the future (with both our furbabies and our human baby). 

Needless to say, it has been an emotionally exhausting few days, but we’re all on the road to a full recovery.  🙂

June 11, 2010

Naked dog

Posted in Furbabies tagged at 12:59 pm by lifebytheday

When I was home sick on Tuesday, S decided to take Bailey with him to work and try to get her in for a grooming appointment at a nearby salon.  We’ve actually been really worried about her lately – she was really lethargic and hadn’t been eating – and we suspected that it was because she was HOT.  The weather in MA has been insane – up in the 80’s and 90’s and super humid.  Wonderful, but not so much for someone who’s basically wearing a winter coat every day. ;-P

So, without further ado…this is what happens when Daddy is responsible for communicating haircut instructions.

LOL!!  So embarrassing.

Bailey is LOVING it though, back to eating and running around, so that’s all we care about.  She’s like a completely different dog!  😉

December 14, 2009

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Posted in Furbabies, Life tagged at 1:39 pm by lifebytheday

So Christmas has finally arrived in our household!  We decorated the house on Saturday and the tree yesterday…and had a wonderful weekend all in all. 

Killian checking out the star before it went on the tree

Our decorated tree!

The furbabies cuddling.  P.S. this was totally posed.  I think they were too relaxed to care what we did to them, lol!

And last but not least…our Christmas card photo!  S was having way too much fun posing the animals 😉 

I know, we need a child…and a hobby probably, LOL!

November 11, 2009


Posted in Furbabies, Insurance, Life tagged , at 2:40 pm by lifebytheday

Soooo apparently changing the diagnosis code is considered insurance fraud – who knew?!?   I suspected that it wouldn’t be a possibility anyways, but they did agree to put us on a payment plan, which just takes the stress down a notch.  We probably could have paid the bills now, but since we won’t be charged any interest, it makes more sense to pay in installments.

In other news, I’m leaving this afternoon for a work conference in Vegas through Saturday, although between meetings and other events, I probably won’t see the front of a slot machine the entire time I’m there.  And another bummer?  My best friend from Ireland arrives tonight with her mom and sister to do some Christmas shopping in Boston, and leaves again before I get back! :-/  Anyways, I’m sure I’ll survive…and hopefully I’ll come back to healthy and happy furbabies and a clean house (although that last one is doubtful ;-))!

And speaking of furbabies…here are some new pics, for your viewing pleasure!


Post living-room-500.


And watching the squirrels 😉

November 2, 2009

Why we need to have kids…

Posted in Furbabies tagged , , , at 10:13 am by lifebytheday

…and soon! 

Exhibit A:







September 3, 2009

Random thoughts

Posted in Furbabies, Infertility, Life at 9:39 am by lifebytheday

I haven’t been able to wrap my brain around any sort of entertaining (or even coherent!) post, but thought I’d share some of the things currently bouncing around in my mind…

  1. Happily, Killian and Bailey are finally starting to figure each other out.  If Bailey settles down, Killian will venture out from under the couch, but that only lasts until Bailey realizes that her new little brother is really just a cuddly toy that moves.  As soon as Killian walks away from her, she takes off after him…they do a quick loop around the kitchen, he darts back under the couch, and Bailey resumes whimpering. 😉
  2. I really need to find the energy to accomplish ALL of our laundry at the same time, because right now, the pile of my clothes that need to be put away is starting to resemble a mountain on the verge of a landslide.  The way I currently handle it is to wash my clothes, hang them on clothes horses, and then just take off outfits as I need them.  The problem with that is that the clothes stay there so long that they actually start to smell, and I have to rewash a good chunk of them!  But by the end of a long work day, I’d MUCH rather crash on the couch, watch tv, hang out with S, play with the animals…anything besides do laundry!  And when I do manage to do a few loads, it’s always towels, or S’s clothes…  But S promised he’d help me tonight – we have a laundry date – aren’t we romantic? 😉
  3. A good friend sent me this link today ( to a story about requiring background checks for IVF patients.  She was totally horrified, which was super cute, but I actually wasn’t that surprised.  It’s already so difficult to get approved for adoption or insurance coverage for fertility treatments, why wouldn’t they add another hoop for infertile people to jump through, just to be able to be parents like everybody else?!
  4. Our appointment with the new RE is Tuesday morning.  I’m excited to finally be moving forward, but I’m also nervous and anxious (partly because I know what to expect, but also because I’m scared that it won’t work, again.)

September 1, 2009

Welcome Killian!

Posted in Furbabies tagged , at 11:30 am by lifebytheday

We picked up our newest addition to the family yesterday – meet Killian! 
(We decided to save “Jameson” for doggie #2.  I know, we’re insane ;-P)

He was really tired last night after his surgery, but he has already settled in.  (As I write this, I’m working from home and watching him run and slide across my hardwood floors. 😉  His grandma just brought over a toy fish on a string and he has been playing with it for the last hour!)

Bailey loves him so much she wants to eat him, so we spent the night holding Killian up high and trying to teach Bailey “leave it” lol!

Some pictures 🙂






On the way home






Curled up on the window seat





Poser 😉






Checking out Daddy’s beer!

(P.S, S never drinks Bud Light but had one in the fridge and was like, make sure you get the label in the picture and we’ll send it to them, LOL!)