June 30, 2009

Nothing that a hammock can’t fix

Posted in Life at 9:01 am by lifebytheday

My cousin got married over the weekend in upstate New York (a beautiful ceremony at Singer Castle on the St. Lawrence river, followed by a super fun backyard barbecue) – so we spent most of the day Friday and again Sunday DRIVING.  Sunday was also S’s 29th birthday, and unfortunately, driving all day, with a hangover, AND getting stopped for a speeding ticket, was not how he had planned to spend his day.  Needless to say, we were both a bit worn out by the time we got home.

Luckily though, his present had arrived – a big ‘ole L.L.Bean hammock – which he promptly set up in the living room.  After an hour laying there, all (well, most!) was forgiven. 😉  Although I did promise him that he could have a birthday week instead of just a day.  We’re doing a cake with my folks tonight and then going up to the lake in Maine with friends and family for the weekend.  Any ideas for some other special surprises?

June 23, 2009

I’m baaack!

Posted in Life at 8:48 am by lifebytheday

It’s been a crazy two weeks.  After celebrating my youngest bro’s HS graduation and subsequently my college reunion, S and I took off to Maui for 8 days to celebrate our five-year anniversary.  We never really took a honeymoon, and the only vacations we’ve taken have been back to Ireland to see his family (although nice, not really a holiday ;-)), so this was a really special trip for us.  Although we missed a day – got stuck in Phoenix overnight on our way down there, after being delayed in Boston due to a fuel sensor malfunction (can I tell you how terrifying it is to see a bunch of guys with pencils and calculators trying to figure out whether we’d make it on a six hour flight?!? :-P) – we finally made it, and had a fantastic time.  (Stories and pictures to come, I promise!)

After we returned home, I had to head out on a business trip 36 hours later, then spent the weekend babysitting and seeing family.  I am EXHAUSTED, and SO not interested in being back at work.  Then this Friday we leave for my cousin’s wedding in WAAY upstate New York.  I can’t wait for the Fourth of July weekend so I can get some SLEEP!

June 2, 2009


Posted in Infertility, Life at 2:39 pm by lifebytheday

The universe is conspiring against me and mine.

In the past 24 hours, I’ve found out that a dear friend has officially put her house on the market (the aftermath of a very sad divorce), another friend has had a miscarriage (after she finally reached the three month mark and JUST started telling people), and my good friend’s sister found out that she might not ever be able to have children (due to an extremely serious adrenal gland disorder).  Add all that to the stress I’m already feeling trying to get ready for our trip next week (wrap up work projects, do laundry, errands, pack…), and the fact that I STILL have seen no signs of OV…and what do you get?  Total meltdown.  Sobbing on the phone to S by 9am this morning.  Ugh.

I feel a little better now, after a good cry, and a relatively productive day at work, but this morning was rough.  Life just seems so unfair sometimes, that I have a hard time remembering my mantra – God has a plan for us, and doesn’t give us more than we can handle.  Sometimes I wonder though…Why do the most deserving of people have to go through horrible things like the loss of a child, when others who don’t even want them can pop them out like Pez?!?  Why doesn’t God give all of the healthy children to the people that want them??

June 1, 2009

Good intentions

Posted in Life, Marriage at 10:06 am by lifebytheday

So today is the seventh anniversary of the day S and I started dating. 

In an attempt to be cute, I sent him a quick text this morning saying “Happy anniversary! Hope you’re not feeling itchy… ;-)” but somehow instead of typing “7” I wrote “4.”

A little while later I got a call saying “who’s 4th anniversary with you is it?” Oy. LOL