April 30, 2010

What IF

Posted in Friends, Infertility, Life tagged at 2:27 pm by lifebytheday

We interrupt your regularly schedule programming – yes, those boring monitoring updates – to share with you an issue on a larger scale.  This week is National Infertility Awareness Week which, to be honest, kind of rubs me the wrong way.  My feelings were captured perfectly by a fellow infertile who said “I am aware EVERY DAY that I’m infertile. What does this week have to do with me?”  With that said, it is so important to spread awareness to the rest of the world, so I’m going to play along. 

I’m a little too late to officially participate in Project “What IF”, but I want to share my thoughts and support for the movement.  The gist is to state our biggest “what if…” in regards to infertility, to take our deepest, darkest fears out of our heads/hearts/souls and put them out into the universe and the community for support.  So, without further ado…

What IF
     …we’re never able to have a biological child?
     …once we finally do get pregnant, something happens to our child(ren)?
     …we can’t even make it to retrieval and transfer?!
     …my infertility eventually affects our marriage?
     …we go broke before our children even arrive!

Okay, phew!  Now, no more negativity!  I’m not feeling quite strong enough yet to state the reverse…what WILL happen…but I’m hoping and praying that this is the cycle that’s going to work.  (Oh, and for those of you who were wondering – my E2 doubled to 888, which is apparently a good thing at this point.  So they’re scaling back stims just a bit – to 37.5/75 – for tonight, and I’m back in tomorrow morning for monitoring.  At this rate, I’m going to look like a junky by the end of the weekend!)

In closing, I just want to share a comment from my fellow blogger Kacy:

A person with any type, degree, or complexity of infertility or loss is marked by something for their entire life. It’s life changing. And not because you walk differently or your daily routine changes but because your perspective changes.

I truly believe that I have some of the best friends in the world, and I know that even without having to go through it themselves, that all of their perspectives have changed as well.  So thank you ladies – you know who you are – my life would be a much darker place without all of you.  Hugs!

October 28, 2009

Blogs, friends, and awards

Posted in Blog, Friends, Infertility tagged at 10:35 am by lifebytheday

I’ve been meaning to write this post for two weeks…thanking Kari over at Baby Steps for sharing these blog awards with me, and passing them on to my wonderful blogging friends!!  Kari has been a great blogosphere find – she also suffers from PCOS, but has been through SO much on top of that.  We’re all saying prayers that this treatment will be her last.

The first award is called the Kreativ Blogger:

Here are the rules for this award:
1.Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2.Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3.Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4.Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5.Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6.Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7.Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.

My 7 things:

1. I was a cheerleader in HS, and (not so) secretly want to be a coach for the team in my town.
2. I LOVE romance novels, esp. historical ones.
3. I’d like to write a book someday (preferably a romance novel, see #3 ;-)).
4. I would love to be a SAHW, but I’d want to take classes and go shopping and hang out at the spa all day, so not only would I not be making any money, but I’d be spending it hand over fist! 😉
5. I have champagne taste, but a beer budget.
6. I love looking at the fabric books at S’ shop.  I have tons of ideas and would love to do interior decorating someday.
7. I love to cook, but barely get the chance to anymore.  If S had to wait for me to get home to start dinner every night, he’d DIE of hunger. 😛

And now, the award recipients!!  These are the people who inspire me, encourage me, and make me laugh.  A huge shout out (and HUG) to all my blogging sisters!

1. Confessions of a Married Couple
2. I am Stacey
3. (In)fertile Myrtle
4. To Be Determined
5. Eat, Drink, Breathe, Sweat
6. This is Why I Date
7. Growing More than Vegetables

Kari also gave me a second award – THANK YOU!! – called “All we need is a little LOVE!”  I love Kari for her honesty and strength in spite of some major challenges.

This blog is about sisters uniting together and giving others some love because life is hard and who couldn’t use a little love? The rules for this award is simple.  I LOVE YOU=8 letters which gives you 8 rules 🙂

Here are the rules:
1-Thank the person who nominated you for this award and write a little bit about why you love them.
2-Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3-Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4-Nominate no more than 17 people (why 17?) who you love or you think could use some love.
5-Write one word (you can only use a word once) about what you love about their blog.
6-You cannot nominate someone who has already been nominated-the love has to spread to all.
7-Post links to the 17 blogs you nominate.
8-Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.

Here we go!

1. Confessions of a Married Couple – reality
2. I am Stacey – friendly
3. (In)fertile Myrtle – honest
4. To Be Determined – strength
5. Eat, Drink, Breathe, Sweat – motivation
6. This is Why I Date – Bridget 😉
7. Growing More than Vegetables – growing
8. Big Mama – laughs
9. The Pioneer Woman – family
10. Infertility Instability – farm-life
11. Bottoms Off and On The Table – determination
12. Romancing the Stone – support
13. Still Waiting For My Sunshine – newbie 😉
14. The Clanahan Fam – faith
15. Preheated Oven: Where is My Bun? – twins!

September 20, 2009


Posted in Friends, Remodeling tagged at 10:44 am by lifebytheday

Wow, it’s been a long time since I last posted.  Lots has happened since then…

Had a fantastic “wine o’weekend” with S and some friends.  S has a client who offered us the use of her house on the Cape, in return for picking up and re-upholstering some furniture.  It was an eventful trip – S’s van broke down halfway there, and even though we have AAA, we had to wait for hours until the towing company could get a second vehicle to tow the attached U-HAUL trailer.  We left around 7pm, and what was supposed to be an under two hour drive turned into almost six.  We arrived around 1am, driving down a pitch-dark dirt road and trying to guess which house was ours.  Finally S went to investigate and said, “Yeah, this is the one.”  “So the key worked?” “No, it was open…”  LOL!  Luckily we found a note to S, so we knew we were safe…but can you imagine?  Busting into someone’s house at 1am, with them asleep upstairs?  It rained for most of the weekend, but we had two fantastically lazy days, filled with food, friends, and a lobster pot full of sangria. 😉

Then we spent this past week preparing for the bathroom remodel.  Monday we picked out our faucets and tub/shower fixtures, Tuesday we chose the countertop (black granite with subtle gray flecks), Wednesday we moved in with my folks…and demo began Thursday!  Construction began in earnest on Friday – my dad did the electrical, S finished the demo, and then our contractor family friend arrived Friday night.  Saturday was spent moving and replacing plumbing, and putting up the sheetrock for the wall to the guest room, and today (hopefully!) the will be tub going in.  This process has made me realize what wonderful friends (and family!) we have.  Our friends have given up their whole weekend just to help us (and my parents have given up any semblance of peace at their house for the foreseeable future ;-)).

Oh, just got a call from S…gotta make a Home Depot run!  I’ll try to post some pictures tomorrow…

Happy Sunday everybody!