May 27, 2009

Trying to stay positive

Posted in Infertility, Life, Meditation at 9:57 am by lifebytheday

Last night, I got a stern talking to by my acupuncturist.  That I needed to stop worrying and freaking out, and instead spend my energy sending positive vibes to my organs.  😛  I know, a little fruity, but I got the gist.  Stressing out wasn’t good for me, or our chances of conceiving – besides the fact that I gave myself a cold sore the size of Texas from all the carrying on (!) – I need to relax and have a little faith.

So, I just remembered that I have a little set of cards called “The Relax Deck” and pulled it out.  The card that spoke to me today –
Central to Indian philosopy is a belief in prana, the life force that we take into our bodies through breathing. When you need to relax in a stressful situation, try to control your breath. Visualize air going into and coming out of your nostrils, and establish a rhythmic pattern of breathing. Then, concentrate on the exhalation–make it as long and smooth as possible–and feel your body gradually relax as the tension melts away.

Okay, deep breath in… 😉