August 24, 2009

Weekend update, part I

Posted in Life, Puppy, Remodeling at 2:54 pm by lifebytheday

So it turns out I wasn’t just grouchy, I actually was sick!  I stayed home Thursday and Friday and did some much needed resting – wasn’t even feeling well enough to read, just napped and watched TV. 

The weekend was eventful for other reasons.  Saturday morning S and I went to a bathroom showroom to decide on our tub and vanity…and let’s just say that we weren’t speaking by the time we got home.  I’ll leave the part in the middle to your imagination. 

Once home though, we noticed that Bailey’s right eye was dripping and goopy and swollen, so I took her to the “emergency” vet’s office.  Three hours and $250 later, this was Bailey.
















They think that she must have gotten a bug bite above her eye, and in the course of scratching at that, actually scratched her cornea.  S thought I was crazy for bringing her right away, but the doctor told me that I did the right thing – that eye problems are nothing if you catch them early, but that they can turn into BIG problems if let untreated.  Vindicated!  😉  Anyways, we had company over Saturday night and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening trying to prevent Bailey from crashing into things with her cone, lol! 

I think I’ll leave it at that.  The events of Sunday really deserve their own post, and some pictorial evidence, so look for that tomorrow.  😉

May 15, 2009

Dog…or rabbit?

Posted in Puppy at 2:54 pm by lifebytheday

Bailey had a grooming appointment today and we had planned to go a little shorter for the summer.  S was taking care of the drop off and pick up, and I’ve been so curious to hear how things went.

So I just got a call from S, who said…you know that Comcast commercial, with the rabbit?  …That’s what Bailey looks like.



I really hope he’s exaggerating.

May 5, 2009

A boy’s best friend

Posted in Family, Puppy at 2:12 pm by lifebytheday

As I mentioned before, we had S’s family here for a visit around Easter – S’s mom, sister, and nephew.  We had a lovely time, but no one enjoyed it more than Bailey.  She had her very own BOY to play with!  (and vice versa 😉 )



























Is there any sweeter sight than a boy with his dog?

April 27, 2009

Oh, what a beautiful morning!

Posted in Life, Puppy at 8:48 am by lifebytheday

I’m back, finally!  S’s family was visiting from Ireland around Easter, and stayed with us for almost two weeks.  My house and I have just finally recovered enough that I can get back to blogging!  More stories to come later…

It was a BEAUTIFUL weekend here in Boston and we definitely took advantage of it.  On Saturday, I babysat and S started digging in the backyard for what he hopes will eventually become a koi pond.  Saturday afternoon was spent drinking vodka-lemonades in the backyard with S and his brother. 🙂  Sunday, we got up early and went down to the local boathouse, rented an aluminum fishing boat and went out on the river with S’s brother, nephew…and Bailey.  We decided that we needed to get her a life jacket – which seriously, was the funniest sight I’ve seen in a long time – well, at least since we put her in a seatbelt for the first time! ;-P

















After a few hours with no luck, we headed home to relax in the backyard.  S relaxed for approximately 10.5 minutes before he was up again, suggesting a bike ride.  We rode over to my parents’ house across town (2 miles, to be exact), with Bailey on the leash beside us.  S helped my dad rake and then we headed back.  After we finally got home, we got all three of us showered and then passed out in front of the T.V.  We actually had to keep poking Bailey to make sure she was alive. LOL!  All in all, it was a great weekend, and a wonderful taste of the summer to come.

March 30, 2009

Seat belts save lives

Posted in Puppy at 11:26 am by lifebytheday

Since Bailey was a puppy, she has always loved the car, so between that (and the fact that we were totally obsessed with her, lol), we ended up taking her everywhere.  One of the problems though, is that my softie hubby used to let her sit on his lap as a puppy – even while he was driving!  And NOW, she expects to be there all the time, never mind that she’s about thirty pounds heavier!  After one particularly harrowing trip, where I was trying to keep her from climbing into my lap and nearly drove into a tree, I decided it was time for Bailey to get a seatbelt.

I did some research and found a product called the Ruff Rider, that seemed to be good quality and well tested.  It finally came in the mail on Saturday.  When we put it on Bailey for the first time, she literally froze…would not move.  It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.  This big fluffy puppy, squeezed into a seatbelt harness, and frozen in place.

We tried it a few times until she felt more comfortable, and then did a couple test drives with it on her but not buckled into the car.  Yesterday afternoon was the first time we strapped her in…again, as soon as she realized she was buckled, she froze.  It took us the entire half hour trip to Home Depot for her to realize she could still move with it on, and all she managed to do was slide down onto her belly and put her head on the console between us.  We could practically hear her…”Mom?…Dad??…Why do I have to stay back here?? …Can I come up front with you…please????” 😛

Here’s a photo as we were pulling out of the driveway – she was frozen in that position for a good ten minutes. LOL


…and yes, the photo is blurry – it’s not your eyes. 😉

February 26, 2009

This is what happens when…

Posted in Puppy at 8:10 pm by lifebytheday



…my husband and my dog go for a walk in the woods. 😛