November 11, 2010

First OB appointment and 10 week update

Posted in Pregnancy tagged , at 4:29 pm by lifebytheday

Just got back from my first official OB appointment – and wow, was it weird!  Weird good, but definitely weird.  I met with a nurse, who collected my medical history, gave me a TON of information, and then ordered some lab work.  I go back in 2 1/2 weeks for an ultrasound and to meet the first of the OBs.  Long story short though, I LOVED the nurse, and think I’m really going to like their practice. 

Today’s appointment reminded me how many decisions we need to make though, and soon!  And this is really just the beginning…I think that we’ve been used to having all of the major decisions made (since we’ve been going through IF treatments for 4+ years), but now everything is new.  New information, new decisions…a whole new life! 

For example, if we want to do any genetic testing, the first opportunity is at 12 weeks…i.e., 2 weeks from today!  I have a feeling S and I are going to have some very serious discussions over the next few days. 

And now, on to our 10 WEEK UPDATE!

How am I feeling?  Good!  Still tired, and having headaches almost every afternoon, but no more nausea, and not as incapacitated by the tiredness.

Weight gain?  -5 (up one lb in the past 2 weeks), although I’m sure that’s going to change soon – I’m getting HUNGRY! 😛

Cravings?  Italian food!  Pasta and cheese?  Sign me up!

Aversions?  Steak, and any chicken that isn’t breaded.  We’ve been pretty much living on whatever I can make out of ground turkey. 😉

Milestones?  Last night was our LAST progesterone shot…yippee!!  The nurse today included a test in my bloodwork, just to double check, but we should be good to go.  My @$$ is going to be seriously thankful.

And speaking of thankful, today I’m thankful for being “just another pregnant lady” and for getting to double digits.  We are already 1/4 of the way through our pregnancy!!


  1. Em said,

    Sounds like everything is going so well and I am just so happy for you!! 🙂

  2. jsutera654 said,

    YAY!!!! SO excited for you my very favorite pregnant lady friend xo!!

  3. Alenka said,

    Congratulations on making it to double digits! We have 2 more days.

    We are planning to do the NT scan, just be careful, last day they let you do it is I think 13w6d. If you choose to do it, make sure you schedule it soon.

    Good luck with everything and cheers to the second trimester that is very close.

  4. Hillary said,

    Yay, so glad everything is looking good and that you had a great fist appointment!

  5. squashgirlPhD said,

    Can I say just how happy and excited I am for you. So glad your first appointment went great. Good luck with the aversions, I had the same ones!

  6. iamstacey said,

    Double digits, it’s so exciting! Congrats on becoming a regular old OB patient! 🙂

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