August 10, 2012

My fight against CHAOS

Posted in Life at 10:04 am by lifebytheday

Soon after A’s birthday, my freelance work dried up (more on that later) and I became a bona fide SAHM.  Around the same time, A became more mobile and began refusing to stay in his playroom (a small gated area off our main living room).  I looked around and realized that our house was a DISASTER – not child-proofed, not clean enough, and FULL of clutter.  When I was working full-time (and even part-time), everything got done “enough” – clean enough, organized enough, just good enough.  But once A was crawling around on the floor full time, I knew things had to change.  And to be honest, I had NO idea where to start.

So I did what anyone else would do in that situation…

I googled!

I think my exact search phrase was “how to organize your life.”  😉  And the website I came across was nothing short of life-changing.

It’s called and has a whole host of guidlines, routines, and prompts to help you conquer the CHAOS (can’t have anybody over syndrome)!  It’s set up so anybody can use it – SAHMs, working parents, retirees – and written in a way that breaks through the guilt and procrastination and sheer overwhelmingness (is that a word?) so you’re able to jump right in.

They divide your house into zones with a different zone focus each week (for more detailed cleaning), and then every day there is a cleaning or decluttering “mission.”  They also encourage you to set up weekly routines (certain days for errands, paperwork, cleaning, etc.) and every month there is a different “habit” to focus on (laundry, drinking water, etc.).

That is just a snippet of the value the site offers, but honestly guys?  I have never felt this in control of my life.  I know that I’ll be able to keep up with it, even when my freelance work picks back up, and I foresee our family using these guidelines and routines for years to come.

If anyone out there is feeling a little out of control, go check it out!  You’ll be glad you did. 🙂

This is not a paid advertisement for  The FlyLady has no idea that I exist…I just had to share my great find with all of you!


  1. jobo said,

    Wow, that actually sounds pretty awesome. I plan to check it out, it sounds almost fun to do (organizing in quadrants etc). Wow I sound lame hehe 😉

  2. Jess Sutera said,

    Haha someone I think I”d LOVE this site!!! I love cleaning LOL 😉

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